oldEngineID changes upon restart of snmpd
Gerrit Avenant
2017-01-20 08:21:33 UTC
I am running net-snmp 5.7.3 on an embedded linux platform.

It seems to me my oldEngineID is changed upon each restart of the daemon.

I stop the daemon.

I create a user in the persistent snmpd.conf through createUser.

I restart the daemon and oldEngineID matches that of the usmUser created. I can use the user to to read OIDs.

When I restart the daemon again, the oldEngineID changes, but the usmUser created is still the same. The created user is also not recognized anymore.

I don't change the EngineID anywhere in the non-persistent snmpd.conf at all.

Any help appreciated.
Pushpa Thimmaiah
2017-02-08 15:11:43 UTC

engineID value is 'random' by default so whenever snmpd restarts , there
will be new engineID. It can be reconfigured (Add keyword 'engineIDType' in
etc/snmp/snmpd.conf) to be based on MAC then engineID will be constant.

engineIDType 1|2|3 specifies that the engineID should be built from the
IPv4 address (1), IPv6 address (2) or MAC address (3). Note that changing
the IP address (or switching the network interface card) may cause
Post by Gerrit Avenant
I am running net-snmp 5.7.3 on an embedded linux platform.
It seems to me my oldEngineID is changed upon each restart of the daemon.
I stop the daemon.
I create a user in the persistent snmpd.conf through createUser.
I restart the daemon and oldEngineID matches that of the usmUser created.
I can use the user to to read OIDs.
When I restart the daemon again, the oldEngineID changes, but the usmUser
created is still the same. The created user is also not recognized anymore.
I don't change the EngineID anywhere in the non-persistent snmpd.conf at all.
Any help appreciated.
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