snmpset does not retain value after restart/reset y
deepak.sachan deepak.sachan
2017-04-28 06:07:35 UTC
I have tried communicating b/w agent and client using dynamic module (.so) creation for snmp agent.
snmpget and snmpset working fine . But after restart/reset the agent does not retain value . it shows the previous value which has been defined in .c (generated through mib2c) file.
Is there any mechanism defined in SNMP to retain last value??
if not , Any idea how it can be done.??
1.Bill suggested to use register_config_handler() to register a function that will parse a persistent storage file line with the data you wrote, and use snmp_register_callback( SNMP_CALLBACK_LIBRARY, SNMP_CALLBACK_STORE_DATA, ... ) to register a function that will save your data to the persistent file. (Required more detail..)
2.Or we can a writing a shell script in agent,say SNMP_save.sh . When we are done with our changes from client at last we need to invoke this script in agent from client
This script, SNMP_save.sh will read all custom objects and make another shell script in agent itself which will set value to these latest values.
We call this script snmp_reload_last.sh.Last step is hooking this snmp_reload_last.sh to startup sequence of agent, so the last values which were set are automatically reconfigured.
